
Helioz is a social enterprise that helps businesses to take climate action - by offering compensation of climate-damaging emissions and the implementation of CSR activities.
Project Type
Brochure Design
Report Cover Illustration
Mural Design
Increased awareness of water sanitation in rural areas
Increase consumption of filtered water
Non-Profit Organization
An impactful front cover illustration for Helioz's Annual Report and redesigned brochures in vernacular languages made information accessible, fostering wider understanding. Mural illustrations were designed that facilitated a widespread water sanitation awareness campaign in 20+ villages.
Why I liked this Project
I enjoyed the project's diversity, involving illustration, design, wireframes, and vernacular languages. Seeing my work make a change in the understanding of the device and hence resulting in enhanced consumption of filtered water was truly gratifying.
A Dynamic Identity
Distinct approaches were taken for each phase of the project. The report cover was an illustration set in campaign areas with the product featured positively. The pamphlet prioritized visuals for quick info: one side introduces the product and instructions, the other covers FAQs and guidelines. Designed for having the flexibility to be taped to walls, it allows easy access to information at a glance. Murals focused on handwashing, toilet use, and safe storage with easily replicable visuals.
Consistency in the brand's color palette and the "Halo" signature element was maintained throughout, with an emphasis on human-centric approach for relatable content in rural contexts.
The result was an illustrated pamphlet conveying double the information and explaining clearly how to use the product even to those who don’t know how to read.

Identify Brand guideline, scope and creative direction for each phase
Gather vernacular material from different stakeholders
Target Audience Analysis
Understanding objectives : Comprehension of product and spreading awareness
Conceptualizing idea to illustration (cover + murals)
Set colours and typography that compliment the brand guidelines
Wireframing and designing the pamphlet
illustrating each step of using the product
Report Cover illustration
Replicate pamphlet to vernacular languages
Collect and add slogans to murals to be painted on site
Creating the Annual Report illustration required careful composition to highlight key points and demystify the water purifying product. Brochure redesign tackled verbosity and language barriers by visualizing instructions in vernacular languages. Designing murals posed the challenge of  balancing visual complexity for broad replication in an awareness campaign.
Mural illustrations were painted on site by local artisans for water sanitation awareness campaign in 20+ villages.

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